Category: Products

Category: Products

Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICVs) Improve System Performance and Optimize Delta-T.

Siemens PICVs integrates three functions into a single device. Siemens PICVs have the unique advantage of always maintaining their full stroke, regardless of the maximum adjustable flow setting, to provide better control. This significantly reduces or eliminates hunting for the right actuator setting, resulting in better control and increased comfort. ​​ Every  Siemens  valve and actuator  is  factory tested […]

Precise Control For Any Application

For more than 50 years, Honeywell has provided a legacy of globe valves with the most precise control for any application. The current families of globe valves and actuators provide the rangeability and close off needed to keep the tightest control of your environment. As an authorized distributor, we take pride partnering with Honeywell, to […]

Belimo: Seamless Integration, Reliability, and Intuitive Design.

Broudy Precision stocks a complete range of Belimo sensors for temperature, humidity, air quality, pressure, flow, CO2 and VOC’s. What is available at Broudy Precision?Temp- Duct Probe, Duct Averaging, Immersion, Outdoor, Freezestats, Strap onHumidity/Temp- Duct, OutdoorFlow SensorsPressure- Differential Switch, Differential Transmitter, Liquid Pressure, Liquid DifferentialAir Quality- Duct CO2 and VOC.All models are also available with analog or resistive outputs. Some models available […]

Niagara AX End of Life (EOL)

What does it mean? AX will no longer be supported Sites must plan for migration to Niagara4 What needs to be done? Evaluate the system components for EOL Software upgrades (AX to N4 Station Migration) Software Maintenance Agreements Hardware Upgrades (possible JACE replacement & IO module replacement)  TIMELINE July 1st, 2021 Sales of all Niagara […]

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