Only employees will be permitted inside.
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Broudy State of the Union
With the news that broke Thursday from Governor Tom Wolf, we wanted to let everyone know that as of now, we will remain open. We fall under the category of “essential business”.
Broudy Precision is currently running a staggered crew in both locations and adhering to safety requirements in the office spaces with adequate staffing for all shipping/receiving needs. Luckily we are set up so that most of our inside, and outside salespersons work remotely with little to no drop off in service.
We are going to continue to take the appropriate actions. To adhere to social distancing, we will not be allowing people to physically enter the building to pick up parts. Give us a call and let us know what you need, and when you arrive, we will bring your materials out to you.
Also, as we all try to navigate this crazy time, we wanted to let you know what we see from the supply/distribution side. At this current state, we are seeing a little bit of a delay from the supply side with anything coming from China that has specific boards. In anticipation of this potential disruption, Broudy has tried to stock-up ahead of time to meet everyone’s needs.
Good news from Honeywell, as they have let us know that at this time, they don’t anticipate any significant interruptions to their business or deliveries. As the situation evolves, this is subject to change.
Like most of you, we are optimistic that we will get through this and get back to normalcy soon. Once the restrictions are lifted, Broudy is anticipating a big rush to have jobs completed. We are encouraging customers to review their workload and look at placing project orders in advance. Please work with your sales rep to help facilitate any needs.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. We will all figure this out together to provide the best solution for our customers and their customers.
The Broudy Precision Team